- hits the beating of the drums.
Holy smoky I'm back from London!
It was an A M A Z I N G trip and I am so thankful for the girls I went with, good lord it was perfect~ Can't wait to go back to that city!
I'll make a entry for each day, cause there is so much to say about them! And I'll properly mix up a lot of the things and days.. x'D
I apologize for any spelling mistakes.. I couldn't be bothered to go trough it all X'D
::Click on the days to read about them::
T U E S D A Y & W E D N E S D A Y
torsdag den 26. januar 2012
mandag den 16. januar 2012
Sooo excited, I don't even! Sometimes I just really love my life.. I just had an amazing weekend with Lavi, helping her out with some of her costumes and boy... it was so nice not to work on my own but someone else's X'D You really get more done, hurhur. But we really had a good time, loves that little monkey<3
And then after such a great weekend, I get to spend more awesome time in London with cool people *w*
We will be geeking out the entire time, and I can't waaaait! I'll bring my camera so I can get a lot of photos and video~
And that was it! A small update to say that life is could and you should remember that~
Oh and just to show how good looking (and god damn lazy) I am making patterns BD
søndag den 8. januar 2012
School work
You know that feeling, when you are supposed to be doing something.. and all you found yourself doing, is everything else?
At this moment I am supposed to be writing on my school project, and I just can't... XD I want to be done, but at the same time I want this project to be as good as it can be, which means I don't want to just write something.. So I end up doing nothing about it..
I am working on a dress, and right now drawing my process of the pattern I made, and how I developed it. It doesn't really make sense for you guys I think, but I felt like sharing it anyway XD The few writings on it is in danish, sorry about that but well... I AM a dane after all x'D The parts with red stripes is to be removed, and you can see in the next picture how that turned out (;
And this should end up as a dress that looks like this:
![]() |
(Left is front and right is back) |
So, this was it for my escape from actually working on the stuff.. Once I am done with all of this, I will get started on cosplays - can't wait! Will get started on first costume set for the WCS very soon, wuuh!
Until next time, Allon-sy~
fredag den 6. januar 2012
New Year - New look!
HUGE thanks to Lavi for making a new design for the blog, yet again! (Though this time I suspect it was because she hated the way I had left it to rotten somehow X'D<3)
Now I just have to be really active and post stuff....!
.. Dang it.
mandag den 2. januar 2012
Looking back!
YES. As so many others, I will try and write about 2011 and what it has meant to me.. Cause this has truly been a crazy year.
And the year ended in the best way possible, with amazing friends on a great evening - love you guys so much!
YES. As so many others, I will try and write about 2011 and what it has meant to me.. Cause this has truly been a crazy year.
This will be a long rant, and most likely only interesting for myself.. Ye be warned!
The year started rough with my uncle getting a heart attack, which had huge impact on the mood in my household cause my normally so cheery father was very sad and stressed, as you can imagine when ones older brother suddenly gets a heart attack. We were lucky though, and my uncle is alive and well<3 Just spent Christmas with him as a matter of fact (;
The dark mood at the house effected me a great deal, and I was so, so SO stressed with SVS cosplays and our performance.. I don't think I have stressed that much about something in a VERY long time, and honestly - I will never stress that much about cosplay again.
Together with Barbara, Yugi and Yoshu we were making costumes from "Beauty and the Beast" and props for our performance and it took so much of my time.. Because I'm a idiot who wants to do everything herself, and help everyone else at the same time OTL
BUT.. It ended up being amazing and we had so much fun with it<3 We performed and won two prices, "Best act" and "SVS special" which was a huge but pleasant surprise xD
... I have to remake Belles dress to get a photoshoot!
For SVS I also cosplayed Dolores Umbridge together with my amazing Harry Potter group and oh lord, it was so much fun! All in all, SVS stands as my favourite convention.. Maybe because it resembles being on school trip so much? xD
After SVS came Genki, where I had worked so hard on my Gothel cosplay I was doing together with Lavi and Louise as Flynn and Rapunzel.. It was so fun<3 But again, I have some things that needs to be redone before a photoshoot can be done!
Genki was a good convention and it was fun for once not perform XD This gave me much more time to enjoy the show and cheer on the amazing acts~ .. But I don't think I will miss out on many performances like that, I just enjoy making skits too much X'D
We also sad cheering for Team Denmark 2011 - Sørine and Abena, as they were performing in Japan whiles Genki was going on - Go go girls<3!
.. Again a con where I made a bunch of costumes I have no pictures in... DANG IT.
And then we come to the last convention; J-popcon.
As always there wasn't much to do at the convention.. but friday we met some of the judges for the Cosplay competition, and we went to the Dealer room THAT KICKED ASS.
Finally a con where I actually found stuff I wanted - and bought! .. And then lost the next day ;A; ANYWAY.. Saturday was the day of the big show, and cnhjbfweklm... Peoples costumes and performances was so gooood~! It makes me so proud how much Denmark improves every year on the cosplay stage! It was such a perfect day.. I was performing with Yoshu, and we weren't stressed, scared or anything.. Well we were a bit nervous, but that's it xD I loved being on stage, and this is in my opinion my best skit so far.. and we freaking became Team Denmark 2012 with it - OHMAHGODMAN<3 I still can't describe my feelings on this.. It's just cool BD
Also I got to meet so many fantastic people.. Argh I feel blessed *q* LML.
And then came Christmas - oh what a sweet month filled with joy and friends<3 As my entire year have been actually.. Getting older is fantastic, as I learn more and more about how I want my life to be! So this year has been the best so far<3
And the year ended in the best way possible, with amazing friends on a great evening - love you guys so much!
So to summon this up; This has been a year were I have met fantastic new people, gotten to know a lot better, developed a great deal and had a hell of a great time<3
SO... Thus ends my rant of.. rant.
See you soon >D
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