mandag den 30. maj 2011

Here comes summer
Here comes summer
Chirping Robins, budding roses
Here comes summer
Here comes summer
Gentle showers, summer clothes
Here comes summer
Here comes summer
Whoosh-shiver there it goes 

We made hard candy in school last week!

 The girl on the left is one of my friends there.. we had to wear those uniforms cause we were working in the big kitchen (: (My school has a workshop with working as if in a real restaurant, so we had to wear it xD)


Aaaand Mother Gothel wig arrived today! .. And hell yaerh, I'm too lazy to take a photo of it!

torsdag den 26. maj 2011

Time's up

So, as time goes by we change.. this is a necessary part in life, although it may be sad sometimes. 
Luckily, most of the time changes are good (; 

Here is a change on my behave.. I have had the account Anastacia1010 on Youtube since 19/05/2007.. 4 years, boy that's a long time! And of course I have changed a lot over that time, and now I just felt like it was time to move on, and improve the whole thing. 
So I made a new account, o0Samien0o .

I hope I can get some great things done for it!

tirsdag den 24. maj 2011

Healthy soul

I LOVE getting packages. Seriously, sometimes I wonder if that's the only reason I cosplay. A ha ha ha - no seriously.

No, see what I found when I came home!
I love being healthy. HERP DERP.
I'll share it with my friends this weekend~


I have also started on my next projects that are.. kind of a surprise XD So I can't tell you what it's for, but I can show what I have made so far!

Feeling inspired by the amazingly talented Lavi's belt, for her Flynn Cosplay I just had to try and make one for myself, and she was so kind to guide me with it!

First pictures shows the belt with holes, and no colour yet. 
Second and third is in the progress of painting, and the finished colour.
Forth picture is a comparison of how the belt looked when I bought it, and how it looked when I was done painting!
And last, how the finished look is with the buckle - that I totally copycatted from Lavi, sorry dear XD - and the edges sewn!
Sewing the edges... took... SO long! I watched Narnia twice... and got half of the belt done OTL; 
But I really like the outcome, and I can't wait to have this cosplay finished - MUHA!

~Enjoy life~

søndag den 15. maj 2011

SVS con Act

Oh hello!

So here we are, a week after SVS and it already feels like it's been a half year... My brain truly works in its own way!
But here we have the act that my group and I performed with at the con, I really like it<3
The video will be down at the end of this post^^ 


On another note, I was out on a photoshoot this friday as a photographer with the lovely Zaki and Yono <3 And alsot attending was Lavi and Sørine, it was so nice to see all of those girls again!
You can see more of the photos
:: HERE ::


~Enjoy life~

mandag den 9. maj 2011

Over The Cosplay Rainbow

So this years SVScon is over, and what a weekend it was!

I'm gonna right a long journal about the weekend, that will be posted in a link, but first I have to say some things.

This has been a amazing weekend, thanks to all my friends<3 Not just them at the con itself, but all the friends that helped before with props for our act, helping me with the costumes, and just listening when I was getting whined up.
Thank you, truly from my heart.. I love you all so very much<3

And thus we get to the point, where you can choose to read my long journal or not (;
If yes, click ::HERE::