Lights, music, curtain – Action.
Words, whispered with excitement and joy, as you open your eyes and get yourself ready to be taken in. Taken in, be it by words, music, dance or just silence you are about to watch. Be it at the movies, or at a theatre play..
Even when I was young, I was enchanted by those on stage.. Those who were able to tell me an emotion with a few words, a hand gesture or even just a look in the eyes. My love for watching plays and movies has over the years grown and I admire the people behind it more and more. To think, that some are able to reach out trough a screen or across the scene, and touch a complete strangers heart.. What a gift and talent.
The reason for me to be writing this, is because I just got home from watching the film that has been made about him. “Dirch”. It showed some of his life with the shows, his lack of confidence within and some of the most tragic things that happened to him. I knew the story of him before watching the film, but it still broke my heart to pieces. Nikolaj Lie Kaas who portrayed him, did such a fantastic job that I can’t even describe it.. As well as every other actor in this movie.
I am happy that I read one of Dirchs ex wifes saying, that the movie was more dramatic than what actually happened, before watching the movie. Cause had I not, I would properly be even more sad about it.
But despite seeing all of this, I still admire him. I still think he was the most wonderful actor, and I don’t think I will ever see someone I can compare to him.
But despite seeing all of this, I still admire him. I still think he was the most wonderful actor, and I don’t think I will ever see someone I can compare to him.
The movie is heartbreaking amazing, and I really hope I will be able to see it once more.
I don’t know if any of this makes sense, I hope it did.. just a bit.
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